Do you have fine silky hair? I do... Let me share a few daily hassles that I and many other silky haired people face:
Too much product in our hair can flatten the hair giving us that gaunt Morticia Addams look.
Not enough product in our hair can make us look like we’ve been playing with a Tesla Coil.
Back-combing always seems like a good idea at the time…
Hair strands break easily so curling irons/straighteners/hairdryers can be very damaging.
One gust of wind and we look like we’ve been climbing trees.
No matter how long we spend styling our hair, a few hours later its back to how it was before we started.
Keeping hair accessories in is a nightmare, they just seem to slide right out.
Any of these sound familiar? A lot of these problems over the years have left me with a feeling of “why bother?” Then I started working at Tegen’s and watched as other women with silky hair came into the shop with beautiful hair styles and tried on various different hair accessories. Through their stories, personal experience and collaboration with other women with similar hair to mine, I have put together a list of what I think are the best hair accessories for silky hair. Our French Handmade range are made from a light weight flexible resin, making them great for silky hair.
Jaw Clips: When choosing any hair accessory it is always best to try it out first, this way you can test it in your hair to see if it’s right for your hair type. When selecting a good jaw clip, you need to consider how close together the teeth are, how strong the spring mechanism is and the overall weight of the clip.
Around 10 different stages go into making our French Handmade jaw clips, they have a strong steel spring mechanism, have carefully compacted teeth so when closed, the clip is designed to keep in as much hair as possible and as well not to mention being cut with a hand held laser, making the
edges extra smooth... no more split ends!
Photo: Handmade 9cm Floralie Midnight Blue Jaw Clip
(click photo for details)
Combs: When selecting a comb you will need to consider the overall weight of the comb as well as the gaps between the teeth. The bigger the gaps between teeth, the more hair will escape.
A particularly good comb for silky hair is our French Handmade Tortoiseshell Long Comb. The flexible resin makes it light weight and kind to the scalp when fixing in place. The closely placed teeth make for a firm grip in silky hair.
Photo: Handmade Tortoiseshell Long Comb
(click photo for details)
Barrettes: When choosing a barrette you should look for something light weight, strong and one that will secure tightly around the hair.
Our Handmade French barrettes are all constructed out of strong steel, light weight and are designed to close tightly around your hair with no loose ends or questionable slipping.
Bottom Photo: Handmade White Tokio Narrow Barrette (click photo for details)
Top Photo: Handmade Vanilla Small 8cm Barrette (click photo for details)
Hair Grips: Be on the look-out for strong, light weight hair grips with teeth, these will hold silky hair better.
Our French handmade hair grips are strong, and hand-cut using lasers to create beautiful designs. One of my favourites is the Filigree Hair Grip which is available in several different sizes and colours.
Photo: Handmade Filigree Hair Grip (click photo for details)
I hope you have found this blog post helpful and that I could help solve some of your silky, fine fly-away hair dilemmas. If you have any questions about a hair accessory in regards to your hair type or indeed any hair accessory questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We at Tegen Accessories are happy to help. Why not pop into our shop in the Brighton Lanes? We’d be delighted to see you and help you try on our products and find the perfect match for your hair type.